This revolutionary approach to marriage counselling dramatically improves the quality of the communication between couples.
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Communication, at the beginning of a relationship, is invariably of a high order – nurturing, enhancing, tactile, with intense and prolonged eye contact etc. When a couple enter the consulting room it is soon apparent that the communication has become chronically negative, with none of the positive content, and instead bickering and point scoring where there was once harmony. |
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The dawning recognition that in this world there is always a consequence attendant upon ones actions or inactions, quickly begins to bring about an understanding that one has much more influence over one's partner's emotional state and response than one had previous thought, and therefore by instead of endlessly attempting unsuccessfully to change one's partners behaviour, one can much more readily change it by changing one's own.
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As this new understanding begins to manifest itself in a change of behaviour for both parties, so the relationship begins to blossom again and communication becomes much more comfortable. Where there was fighting, one finds love again. |
The course involves 2 meetings lasting 1 - 1½ hours each, between the couple and the counseller. The couple will also be assigned some observational tasks to confirm and backup what has been learnt.
How much does the course cost?
The course costs £185 for the 2 meetings and the observational task material. This can be paid via cash, cheque or Paypal.
The cost of the course covers both people in the relationship.
*We will happily give a full refund of the fee paid for this course to anybody who is not satisfied that it represents a definitive understanding of the structure of relationship difficulties and their resolution.
Since a relationship is between minimally two people, in order to resolve the relationship, both parties must be available during the course. The price covers both peoples attendance.
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